Friday, November 2, 2012

Full 72 Hour Kit

I have researched and put together a 72 hour kit that I love.  It isn't just one that I recommend it is one that I have for each member of my family. 

Each kit comes with basic survival items such as a plastic whisle (a whistles sound cares further than a voice and because if it is winter you would not want to use a metal one,) squeeze flashlight (no batteries needed,) poncho, emergency blanket, scissors, hand warmers, candle with matches, lightstick, sewing kit, utility knife, wet wipes, mask and several more important items.

Also in each kit is a first aid kit that I have put together myself.  I am a firm believer in having all things you "might" need.  In my first aid kits there are bandaids of all varieties, triangle bandage, tweezers, triple ointment, pain medications, antacids, sunscreen wipes, bug repellant wipes, burn gel and more items that are beneficial to survival.  It is important to have all the supplies you would need to stay comfortable.

Each kit has water and food for 72 hours.  The food includes three breakfasts, three lunches, three snacks, and three dinners each meal with a drink separate from your 72 hours worth of water.

All items are in plastic sealed bags to keep them safe from water and smoke damage.  All the items are in a sturdy backpack so you can grab and go.  Each member in your family should have their own full kit in case you are ever separated.  Remember, I would rather be prepared years early than a minute to late.

Full 72 Hour Kit $60

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